Glowing Skin

Tips to Maintaining Youthful, Glowing Skin as You Age

When it comes to keeping yourself looking young for as long as possible, the key is to look into your skincare routine. Taking care of your skin will ensure that you are able to maintain a youthful glow and allow you to freeze your age when you tell people how old you are.

If you are looking for ways to up your skincare game and reach hashtag skincare goals, there are a few things you can do. This blog post will help you improve your skincare routine and go a long way in maintaining your youthful glow.

Tips to Maintaining Youthful, Glowing Skin as You Age

Many people think that having youthful-looking skin is tedious and time-consuming. However, the critical part is finding a routine that you can adhere to. Once you find your groove, it will be much easier to maintain youthful and beautiful skin.

1 – Use a Safe Sunscreen Daily

Finding a mineral-rich and safe sunscreen that you can use daily is vital. You need to protect your skin from drying out in the UV light by applying a thin layer of sunscreen before stepping out in the harsh sunlight.

2 – Exfoliate Regularly

Cleaning your skin and exfoliating it will ensure that all the dirt trapped in your pores will be removed. Getting rid of any stuck dirt will prevent your pores from widening, keeping them looking clean and fresh.

3 – Keep Your Gut Healthy

Skin issues and signs of aging may be related to overall gut health. An unhealthy gut may lead to acne breakouts and eczema. Making sure to tend to your gut and keep it healthy will go a long way in maintaining glowing skin.

4 – Apply Skincare Products After Bathing

After taking a bath or shower, the immediate application of skincare products will help with moisture retention in the skin. These products will help replenish and lock in moisture on the skin.

5 – Eat Antioxidant-Rich Foods

Antioxidants help nourish the skin from within. They are also great at helping the body rid itself of toxins to ensure good health. 

6 – Do Facial Massages

Facial massages will not only relax the muscles after a tiring day but will also help improve circulation. This will help induce healing and aiding in lymphatic drainage. 

7 – Don’t Pick at Your Skin

If you have pimples or other scabs on your face, it is best to let them heal in their own time. Picking at them and peeling them will likely leave unsightly scars on your skin which will be challenging to get rid of later.

8 – Stay Hydrated

Drinking your fill of water and other healthy fluids will help maintain its moisture and give it a glowing look.

9 – Don’t Smoke

Smoking causes what is called “smoker’s lines,” which are fine lines on the face that form over time due to smoking. Avoiding this bad habit altogether will help reduce the occurrence of lines on facial skin.


While this list may not be all-inclusive as to what you can do to take care of your skin, these are some of the most effective ways to keep your skin looking young, soft, smooth. Following all the tips mentioned above will help, but if you are looking for a fool-proof way to keep your skin baby-soft and achieve skincare goals, taking a spa day will do the trick! 
Come to The Secret Garden Salon and Spa if you are looking for a spa to spend a relaxing day in, come to The Secret Garden Salon and Spa! We offer a more natural approach to beauty, enhancing your look and creating confidence within. We are an experienced team of like-minded souls who strive to learn and implement the latest techniques in order to provide you with healthy solutions for all areas of life ~ from makeup tips that will enhance any occasion or outfit, hairstyles fit for every person’s lifestyle down on earth (pun intended), facials tailored according to skin type and much more! Come explore at The Secret Garden Salon & Spa today! Take advantage of our exclusive spa packages today!  Our NJ Spa Packages | Our Staten Island Spa Packages