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5 Tips For Taking Care of Yourself Over the Busy Holidays

With all of the decorating, baking, buying, wrapping, and planning that goes on over the holidays, it’s easy to get caught up in the frenzy and forget about one key thing: taking care of yourself.

Yes, you want everything to be great at Christmas, especially after the difficult year 2021. But if you don’t take some time to breathe – and maybe even pamper yourself a bit – you’ll be physically and emotionally exhausted before the festivities even begin.

Keep these self-care suggestions in mind to have a genuinely memorable Christmas season.

1. Set Your Priorities

Even if your to-do list is as long as your arm, it’s important to remember that it’s not all-encompassing. When the pressure starts to mount, and you start feeling like you’re drowning in holiday preparations, take some time out for yourself.

Realize that you have to set priorities and make sacrifices to get everything done. Otherwise, you’ll be a human wrecking ball, smashing your way through your holiday to-do list.

Make a plan that sets out what you need to do and how much time you need to do it. Then check off items as they’re completed.

2. Don’t Neglect Your Health

If you’re like most people, you’ll be snacking a lot during the holidays. All this nibbling adds up, and before you know it, you’ve consumed far more calories than you need. Here’s how to avoid a calorie-laden Christmas.

Keep your snacks healthy, so you don’t end up with a significant case of the munchies at midnight. Think fresh fruit and vegetables, nuts, or even homemade popcorn.

Instead of curling up on the couch with a tub of sugary popcorn, have a bowl of low-calorie popcorn instead. It keeps you satisfied for longer, and you’ll appreciate it more.

3. Practice Mindfulness

If you want to relax, you’re going to need to reduce your stress levels. While it’s not an overnight process, you can do some simple things that will help you unwind a little.

Meditation is a great way to decompress, and it’s straightforward to do. You can even do it in the middle of the day if you’ve got a few spare minutes.

Find a place you can sit comfortably and close your eyes. Then, focus your thoughts on your breathing. As you breathe in, say a word or two in your head. As you breathe out, say another word. You’re aiming to clear your mind of all distractions and focus on just breathing.

This is an exercise designed to put you in your “happy place.”

4. Don’t Expect Perfection

Holidays are about being with the people you love, not about impressing everyone with your baking skills. Remember that it’s the thought that counts.

If your gingerbread house doesn’t look as good as Martha Stewart’s, or your cookies don’t turn out perfect, don’t worry about it. There’s nothing worse than feeling pressured to perform during the most critical time of the year.

5. Pamper Yourself

Yes, you’re probably going to be spending plenty of time pampering others, but there’s no harm in doing a little bit of pampering for yourself too.

All of us want to look our best for Christmas, so why not make a list of the things you’re going to do for yourself? Whether it’s booking a massage, having your hair done, or even getting your nails painted, a little bit of self-care is a great way to unwind. You can even give off hints to the family that a gift certificate for a luxury day at the spa is all you need to feel refreshed and relaxed!


We hope that these self-care tips come in handy while you’re celebrating the holidays. Why not print them out and hang them up in your office or kitchen? Remember, it’s essential to take care of yourself to be there for everyone else. Self-care shouldn’t be a luxury. It should be a priority.

If you decide to treat yourself to some pampering, go to The Secret Garden Salon & Spa! We offer hair salon services in Marlboro, NJ & Staten Island, NY. We provide healthy solutions for all areas of life to enhance your look and build your confidence. Come and visit us today!